Angels Among Us is pleased to announce the parishioner who has been selected to receive the Angel 2022 recognition for his extraordinary ministry work. Carl Alerta was nominated by several parishioners for his service with Faith Formation, Boy Scouts, St Vincent DePaul, Knights of Columbus, Lawn Ministry @St Stephen, and various other projects and activities for both the Church and the School. Carl is best described as a selfless servant who is a leader, a role model, and a hard worker.
Please join Angels in thanking Carl for all he does for our community. Carl will be recognized at the Angels Among Us Gala and Fundraiser in the Family Life Center on 2/12. Seat Reservations and additional info are available on the school website,
The 2019 Angel Award recipients were Marty Diebold, Jan Goldonowicz, and Steve and Luann LaVarta.
Caryl Nolan was the 2018 Angel Award recipient for her years of service in both the parish and at St. Stephen Catholic School. Caryl served as the school's first middle school science teacher for many years and has dedicated countless hours of volunteer service to the church and school since her retirement.